Hip replacement
May 11, 2022

Hip Replacement Surgery │ Shoulder & Knee Surgery Clinic

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Your hip is one of the flexible joints of your body, which can move your body forward and backward and help you with walking, running, and twisting motions. However, after an age, the joints and muscles of the body start losing strength and people experience pain and discomfort in the joints while performing movements. Than the question come does Hip Replacement Surgery needed?

The hip is a ball and socket joint, which functions to connect the thing bone of your leg to the pelvis. The head of thing bone (femur) fits into the acetabulum with the help of ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

If you are experiencing pain and discomfort with walking, and the exercises and therapies have failed to relieve it, then hip replacement surgery can help you.

What is hip replacement surgery?

Hip replacement surgery is a surgical method, where the expert surgeon replaces your hip with a manmade implant. It is also called a hip prosthesis. You will find two types of hip replacement surgeries.

  1. Partial hip replacement surgery:

The partial hip replacement surgery replaces some parts of your hip with manmade implants. It is done in the case of hip fractures.

  1. Total hip replacement surgery: 

Total hip replacement surgery is the most common type of surgery, which is performed on adults, who are unable to walk. In this type of surgery, the femoral head and the acetabulum both are replaced with a prosthesis.

When do you require hip surgery?

Can you find out when do you need hip replacement? Deciding for a hip replacement surgery is one the challenging tasks. Everyone seeks an easier treatment option to avoid surgical treatment.

Here we have listed a few indications below that will help you in deciding whether it is the right time for hip replacement surgery or not.

  1. Medication and therapies don’t work:

Medication and physical therapies are one of the preferred treatments for treating hip pain. However, heavy medicines and painkillers can also cause some side effects on your body like sleepiness and lack of appetite.

If you have failed to get relief from hip pain after taking all the medicines and performing hour’s long exercises, then it is time to go for a surgical treatment to get desired results.

  1. The pain is affecting your everyday activities:

Does your hip pain make it impossible to walk, bend or climb upstairs? Is it making you depressed most of the time? There is no fun in living with hip pain and suffer every day.

If you are not able to perform small activities like walking and going grocery shopping, then you have to go for hip replacement surgery. It will make your life easy.

  1. Your hip joint is damaged:

When your doctor told you that you have a deformed or damaged hip joint, you should never wait for long to get hip replacement surgery. The damaged hip joint can get worse over time and make it impossible to fix the damage the surgeon.

So, it is good to get ready for hip replacement surgery at the right time to get the maximum benefits.

  1. Looking for long-lasting relief:

Medicines and physical therapy will only work for you as long as you continue them. The medicines are last for only a few hours, the injections are last for a few months, whereas the surgery can last long for decades.

So, if you are looking for long-lasting relief from hip pain, then hip replacement surgery will work the best as compared to other available methods.

Recovery from replacement hip surgery: 

The hip replacement surgery recovery time is approximately six months to a year. You will be able to perform light activities after three months of the surgery, but you will get complete control of movement after 6 months to a year.

The recovery for hip replacement surgery can speed up if you stick with your physical schedule religiously. Perform your daily exercises with dedication and follow all the instructions that you receive from your specialist.

Regular physical activities and strong dedication will reduce the recovery time for you and allow you to enjoy your routine activities without any helping hand.

In a short note:

The survival rate of total hip replacement surgery is impressively high. So, you don’t need to tolerate pain and discomfort for a long time when you can make your life pain-free by making the right decision.

Read In Details On :- Sports Surgery

Contact us on +91 8104855900 for further inquiry

Shoulder & Knee Surgeon In Jaipur

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