ACL Surgeon
October 20, 2023

Dr. Rajat Jangir: ACL Surgeon & Hip Replacement Doctor in Jaipur

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In Jaipur, finding the right hip replacement doctor is crucial for regaining mobility and quality of life. Hip issues can be painful and debilitating, but a skilled specialist can offer relief. Similarly, an expert ACL surgeon is essential for addressing knee injuries that can impact daily activities.

The demand for top-notch hip replacement doctors and best ACL surgeons in Jaipur is on the rise. With a growing population and an increased awareness of orthopedic health, the need for these specialists is more significant than ever. These medical professionals play a vital role in restoring people’s ability to walk, run, and live without pain.

This article will explore the importance of selecting the best hip replacement doctor and ACL surgeon in Jaipur. This will help you make informed choices for your orthopedic healthcare needs. So, let’s dive in.

Understanding ACL Injuries

An ACL injury is when the strong band of tissue that connects your thigh bone to your shinbone tears or gets sprained. This often happens during sports that require sudden stops, quick direction changes, jumping, or landing, like soccer, basketball, football, or skiing downhill.

When an ACL injury occurs, you might hear a pop sound or feel a popping feeling in your knee. Your knee can swell, feel wobbly, and hurt too much to put weight on. It’s a common injury in active sports, and it can be very painful and make your knee unstable.

When you have an ACL injury, you might notice some other symptoms:

  • A loud noise or a feeling like something popped in your knee
  • Really bad pain, making it hard to keep going
  • Your knee swelling up quickly
  • Not being able to move your knee like usual
  • Feeling like your knee is not steady or might give way when you put weight on it

Types of ACL Injuries

ACL injuries can vary in severity and mechanism of injury. There are two three main grades of ACL injuries:

  • Grade 1 ACL Injury
  • Grade 2 ACL Injury
  • Grade 3 ACL Injury

Let’s discuss these one-by-one:

1. Grade 1 ACL Injury

A Grade 1 ACL injury is the mildest kind. It happens when your ACL, a part inside your knee that helps keep it stable, gets stretched but doesn’t tear completely. Think of it like stretching a rubber band, but it doesn’t break. Even though it’s stretched, it can still do its job and keep your knee steady. With some rest and physical therapy, it usually gets better on its own without needing surgery. So, it’s not as serious as the other ACL injuries.

2. Grade 2 ACL Injury

In a Grade 2 ACL injury, your knee’s important ligament (the ACL) is partially torn. Imagine it’s like a rubber band that got stretched a lot but didn’t break completely. This makes your knee less stable and more wobbly. It’s not as bad as a complete tear, but it still needs medical attention. Doctors might recommend rest, physical therapy, or even surgery to fix it, depending on how bad the partial tear is.

3. Grade 3 ACL Injury

A Grade 3 ACL injury is the most serious. It happens when the ACL in the knee is torn apart almost completely or entirely. This makes the knee very unstable and can cause pain and difficulty in moving. People with a Grade 3 ACL injury often need surgery to fix it. It’s the most severe type of ACL injury, and recovery can take time and effort to regain knee strength and stability.

Importance of Choosing the Best ACL Surgeon in Jaipur

Having the best ACL surgeon in Jaipur is super important because they are experts with lots of experience in ACL surgery. They know all the ins and outs of fixing your knee.

When you pick a highly skilled surgeon, you’re setting yourself up for a better chance of success. They can make sure your surgery goes well and that you recover nicely, so you can get back to your regular activities. There are also benefits of choosing a skilled surgeon for successful outcomes such as:

  1. Lower risk of complications
  2. Improved long-term results
  3. Increased confidence in your treatment

It’s even more important to choose the right ACL surgeon in Jaipur because they have access to cutting-edge tools and techniques. This will improve your orthopedic health and well-being in a big way.

Top Qualities to Look for in an ACL Surgeon

A great way to know if an orthopedic doctor is really good is by checking their qualifications, like if they have the right certifications and specialized training. But, there are also some other things to consider, like their personal traits and how they do their job. However, When searching for an ACL surgeon, these are the top qualities to consider:

1. Experience and Successful Track Record: When considering an ACL surgeon, their track record matters. This means looking at how many ACL surgeries they have done successfully and what patients say about their experiences. If many patients have had good results and are happy with the surgeon’s care, it shows that the surgeon is skilled and trustworthy. This history of success can give you confidence in their abilities to help you with your ACL problem.
2. Board Certification: Board certification means the surgeon has passed rigorous tests and meets high standards set by a respected medical board. It’s like a gold seal of approval for their skills and knowledge. Choosing a board-certified ACL surgeon ensures you’re in the hands of a qualified professional who has the right education and training to perform your surgery safely and effectively.
3. Multidisciplinary Team: The surgeon should work closely with a team of different healthcare experts, like physical therapists and rehabilitation specialists. They all cooperate to take care of you before and after your ACL surgery. This teamwork ensures you get the best possible treatment and support to recover well.
4. High Success Rates: You should ask the surgeon about how often their ACL surgeries are successful. In simple terms, it means finding out if the surgeon is good at helping people get better after the surgery. A surgeon with a high success rate is more likely to do a good job. So, it’s important to know if the surgeon is good at what they do before choosing them for your ACL surgery.
5. Good Communication: A great surgeon should be able to talk to you in a way that’s easy to understand. They should explain your condition, treatment options, and what to expect after surgery clearly. This helps you make informed decisions about your care and feel more comfortable throughout the process.

Spotlight on the Best ACL Surgeon in Jaipur

There are many ACL surgeons in Jaipur, but Dr. Rajat Jangir is a well-known and highly respected sports medicine doctor amongst them. He is not only a doctor but also a professor and heads the Department of Sports Medicine at Mahatma Gandhi Hospital, Jaipur.

His Qualifications and Experience

Dr. Jangir has an impressive list of qualifications and experience. He specializes in treating ligament injuries, sports injuries, and performing knee, hip, and shoulder replacement surgeries. As a Consultant Arthroscopy and Sports Surgeon at the Shoulder and Knee Replacement Surgery Clinic in Jaipur, he has 13 years of experience and has conducted over 4500 arthroscopy surgeries.

His Achievements

One of his notable achievements includes serving as a sports physician at the Rio Olympics in 2016. Dr. Jangir also holds a Diploma in Sports Medicine from the International Olympic Committee in the UK and has earned degrees in M.B.B.S. and M.S. (Orthopaedics).

Dr. Jangir’s unique approaches and techniques in ACL surgery make him stand out in his field. Patients can trust in his expertise and dedication to providing the best care for sports-related injuries and orthopedic conditions.


Finding the best hip replacement doctor in Jaipur is of utmost importance for individuals seeking a better quality of life. With a focus on cutting-edge techniques and patient-centric care, Dr. Rajat Jangir emerges as a distinguished figure in the field. His vast experience as an ACL surgeon and hip replacement specialist instills confidence in patients seeking lasting relief from hip ailments. Trust in the expertise of Dr. Rajat Jangir for a path towards restored mobility and a pain-free future.

You Must Read: 5 Reasons Why Dr. Rajat Jangir is the Best Orthopedic Doctor in Jaipur

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