best knee replacement doctor in jaipur
March 3, 2023

Knee Replacement Surgery: Answer to All Your Queries

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Knee replacement surgery is also known as knee arthroplasty. It is a medical procedure that involves the replacement of a damaged or worn-out knee joint with an artificial joint made of metal or plastic components. It is typically recommended for people with severe knee pain and limited mobility due to arthritis, injury, or other conditions that damage the knee joint.

Knee replacement surgery can be a complex and life-changing procedure, and it is common for patients to have various questions and concerns before deciding whether to undergo surgery. In this article, we will address some of the most frequently asked questions about knee replacement surgery, including:

  • Who is a candidate for knee replacement surgery
  • What are the different types of knee replacement surgery?
  • How do I prepare for knee replacement surgery?
  • What happens during knee replacement surgery?
  • What is the recovery process like after knee replacement surgery?
  • What are the risks and complications associated with knee replacement surgery?
  • How long do knee replacements last?
  • When should I consider revision knee replacement surgery?
  • How can I maintain the longevity of my knee replacement?

Who is a candidate for knee replacement surgery

Knee replacement surgery is typically recommended for people who experience severe knee pain and limited mobility due to damage or degeneration of the knee joint. Some common conditions that may lead to knee replacement surgery include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, post-traumatic arthritis, and avascular necrosis. Patients may also be considered for knee replacement surgery if they have tried other treatments such as medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications without success.

Candidates for knee replacement surgery should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery. They should also be willing to commit to the post-surgical rehabilitation process, which may involve several weeks of physical therapy.

What are the different types of knee replacement surgery?

There are several types of knee replacement surgery, including:

  • Total knee replacement: This is the most common type of knee replacement surgery, which involves the replacement of the entire knee joint with an artificial joint made of metal and plastic components.
  • Partial knee replacement: This involves the replacement of only one part of the knee joint, typically the inside or outside compartment of the knee joint. This is a less invasive procedure than total knee replacement and is suitable for patients with less severe damage to the knee joint.
  • Minimally invasive knee replacement: This involves the use of smaller incisions and specialized surgical instruments to perform the knee replacement surgery. This approach may result in less pain and a faster recovery time compared to traditional knee replacement surgery.
  • Bilateral knee replacement: This involves the replacement of both knees in a single surgical procedure. This approach may be recommended for patients who require replacement of both knees due to severe damage or degeneration.

How do I prepare for knee replacement surgery?

Preparing for knee replacement surgery involves several steps, including:

  • Meeting with your orthopedic surgeon to discuss the surgery and ask any questions you may have.
  • Undergoing a thorough medical evaluation to ensure that you are in good overall health and that the surgery is safe for you.
  • Quitting smoking and avoiding alcohol in the weeks leading up to the surgery.
  • Taking any medications as directed by your surgeon.
  • Preparing your home for your recovery, including arranging for assistance with daily activities and ensuring that your home is safe and comfortable.
  • Follow any pre-operative instructions your surgeon provides, such as fasting before the surgery or showering with a special antibacterial soap.

What happens during knee replacement surgery?

During knee replacement surgery, your surgeon will make an incision in your knee and remove the damaged or worn-out parts of your knee joint. They will then replace these parts with an artificial joint made of metal and plastic components. The surgeon will then close the incision using sutures or staples.

The surgery typically takes a few hours to complete, and most patients are able to return home within a few days of the surgery. However, the recovery process can take several weeks or even months, depending on the individual patient’s health and the extent of the surgery.

What is the recovery process like after knee replacement surgery?

The recovery process after knee replacement surgery typically involves several weeks of physical therapy and rehabilitation. During this time, patients will work with a physical therapist to improve their range of motion, strengthen the muscles around their knee, and learn how to use assistive devices such as crutches or a walker.

Patients may also need to take pain medication and follow a specific diet and exercise program to support their recovery. Most patients are able to return to their normal activities within six to twelve weeks after the surgery, although some may take longer depending on their individual circumstances.

What are the risks and complications associated with knee replacement surgery?

Like any surgical procedure, knee replacement surgery carries certain risks and potential complications. These may include:

  • Infection: This is a risk with any surgical procedure and can occur in the knee joint after knee replacement surgery. Patients may be given antibiotics before and after the surgery to help prevent infection.
  • Blood clots: Patients undergoing knee replacement surgery are at increased risk of developing blood clots in their legs, which can be life-threatening if they travel to the lungs.
  • Implant failure or loosening: The artificial joint may become loose or fail over time, requiring revision surgery.
  • Nerve damage: There is a risk of nerve damage during the surgery, which can cause numbness or weakness in the leg.
  • Allergic reactions: Patients may have an allergic reaction to the materials used in the artificial joint.

It is important for patients to discuss these risks with their surgeon before deciding to undergo knee replacement surgery.

How long do knee replacements last?

The longevity of a knee replacement depends on several factors, including the patient’s age, activity level, and overall health. However, most knee replacements are expected to last at least 15-20 years with proper care and maintenance.

You Can Also Check Our Previous Blog: Best Knee Replacement Doctor in Jaipur: The Complete Guide

When should I consider revision knee replacement surgery?

Revision knee replacement surgery is typically recommended for patients who experience pain or limited mobility after their initial knee replacement surgery. This may be due to implant failure, infection, or other complications. Revision surgery can be more complex and challenging than the initial knee replacement surgery, but it may be necessary to restore function and alleviate pain.

How can I maintain the longevity of my knee replacement?

There are several steps you can take to help maintain the longevity of your knee replacement, including:

  • Staying active
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Avoiding high-impact activities such as running or jumping
  • Taking care of your overall health
  • Following your surgeon’s instructions

How to find a good Knee Replacement Doctor

Finding a good knee replacement doctor is an important step in ensuring successful surgery and recovery. One way to find a good knee replacement doctor is to ask for referrals from your primary care physician, friends, or family members who have undergone the procedure. You can also research and read reviews of orthopaedic surgeons in your city online. For example, if you are located in Jaipur, you can search for the best knee replacement doctor in Jaipur or the best joint surgeon in Jaipur on different websites. You can also check the website of reputable hospitals in the city, such as the Hospital for Special Surgery, to find a list of their orthopaedic surgeons.

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